Working in behavioral health can be a real challenge. Learning how to navigate the workforce and maintain my personal wellness had to be a priority for the sustainability of my sanity.
I love working with those who are ready to do the work. Wellness Coaching is my superpower and training is my opportunity to serve.
I am here to create an empowered workforce through soft-skills facilitation, online training and coaching.
Dear Certified Peer Specialist,
This message is for every CPS, whether you're here in the U.S. or working abroad. I want you to know, first and foremost, that you are not alone in the challenges you could face or may be facing doing this work. As someone who has walked the path of long-term recovery for many years, I've had the privilege of meeting, working with, and learning from countless peers like you. We share a deep desire to help others, to make a difference. But sometimes, the hardest truth we face is that we can be our own biggest obstacle. I’ve seen it in myself, and I’ve seen it in others. We can sometimes see how flawed the system and some of the people we work with are. Remember the system got you to the place you are right now. Certified and in a paid positions. This is a gift that gives to others and most certainly to our own lives. We desperately want to see it be better. We sometimes blame the system that once helped us because it's easier to point outward than to look inward. This is where "be the change you want to see" comes in. Easier said than done right? Maybe you don’t feel this way, but if any part of you is resonating with these words, I want you to know—you’re exactly where you need to be right now. I’m so glad you’re here! Whether you're new to recovery or have been living it for decades, we all come into this work with a passion to help. But after becoming certified, we often realize how unprepared we truly are for the interpersonal demands of this role. We think that "helping" means telling our stories, sharing how we overcame our struggles. While that’s important, it’s only a small piece of what this work is really about. Some of us bring our own agendas into this work, shaped by personal experiences or the challenges we face with ourselves and others. Let me be clear—this isn’t a judgment or a criticism. It’s an opportunity to reflect on where we are in our journey as Certified Peer Specialists. I'm not perfect. I’ve gotten it wrong at times, and I’ve gotten it right. I’ve felt both pride and embarrassment for the choices I’ve made in this field. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned: As much as I wanted the systems and organizations around me to improve, I realized that “I” needed to improve too. That revelation sparked a journey of deep self-reflection, and it wasn’t easy. I am constantly asking myself tough questions and face my own truths. What I discovered was that, even in long-term recovery, I was still carrying deep wounds. And sometimes, the work we do and the people we work with activate those wounds. I lacked key soft skills, self-leadership, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and self-care. My self-care practices were inadequate, leaving me struggling to balance my personal and professional life. As a result, I sometimes reacted in ways that jeopardized my ability to help others. That’s why I created Prevention with Intention, LLC—because I’ve seen how this work can take a toll. I once had a colleague who contemplated suicide at work, this affected me deeply. I’ve heard countless stories from Certified Peer Specialists who feel or felt unfulfilled, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the joy they once found in this work. We can spend our energy blaming systems and organizations, but that won’t make us better. Believe me all systems could benefit from looking at themselves but these courses are for you to do your own work. Recovery right? Real change starts from within. Sometimes, the hard truth is that we can sometimes be part of the problem. The good news is we can also be part of the solution. I’m inviting you to join me on this journey of growth, reflection, and self-improvement. Let’s create a more empowered, resilient professional workforce—starting with ourselves. We all bring the power of lived experience. Let's bring a another level of professionalism to our work and enhance our personal development for years to come. Warm regards, A Fellow Certified Peer Specialist

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